Shruthi gets Alcon Grant and becomes Assistant Research Scientist in the Gronert and Flanagan Labs!!
We are very proud to announce that vision science postdoc Dr. Shruthi Karnam’s research proposal, “Investigating the Role of Prostaglandin E2 Receptor EP1 Signaling in Ocular Hypertension-Induced Neurodegeneration” has been selected to be funded by the Alcon Research Institute (ARI) Young Investigator Grant!
Dr. Karnam will receive a $75,000 grant from Alcon to conduct her research. This award not only recognizes her winning project idea, but also her qualifications as an outstanding investigator in vision science.
She has also finished her postdoctral fellowship and has transitioned to becoming an Assistant research Scientist for the Vision Science department.
Congratulations, Shruthi Karnam!